Mark Williams

Monster Battle

Since graduating from university, I’ve somehow managed to avoid having to do much in the way of frontend web programming. I’ve done work on the backend side of a webapp, including writing an HTTP server and handling data synchronization, but I’m out of touch or just clueless when it comes to things like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and anything related.

However, since I’ve got a personal project that I want to write as a webapp, and also because we’re ramping on web development projects at work, the time has come for me to get a good handle the parts of web development that have so far eluded me.

A couple of weeks ago, I spent about four days intensely reading and typing out the code in Eloquent JavaScript. I found it to be a good read and a nice introduction to writing JavaScript.

As way to continue my learning and get accustomed to writing JavaScript code, I decided to reproduce a neat little text game found in the book Land of Lisp by Conrad Barski. In the book, the game is called “Orc Battle”, but I’ve called my version “Monster Battle”, which seems more appropriate to me, because you fight more than orcs.

Functionally, it is pretty much the same game, though I had to handle prompting the user for input a bit differently, since on the web you can’t just stop mid-function and wait for the user to type something (the original game was written for a console window).

Play the game, or checkout the code on github.